Quick info Chayote squash 1pc (cca 350 g) Rating value is 5 of 5 In stock online 39 Kč (15,60 Kč/100 g) Add to Cart Chayote is a type of squash that is widely used in many cuisines around the world. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and a crunchy…
Quick info Lemongrass 100 g Rating value is 5 of 5 In stock online 49 Kč Add to Cart Lemongrass has a distinct lemony aroma and flavor, and can be used in a variety of dishes, from soups and curries to marinades and teas. To…
Quick info Kankung - Morning glory 100 g Rating value is 5 of 5 In stock online 59 Kč Add to Cart Also known as water spinach or kangkong, Morning Glory is a popular ingredient in Asian cuisine, prized for its crisp stems and mild flavor…
Quick info Turmeric 100 g Rating value is 5 of 5 In stock online 49 Kč Add to Cart Grated turmeric can be used in sauces, vegetable mixes or just to flavour and colour rice, lattes, smoothies, juices and other dishes or…
Quick info Galangal 100 g Rating value is 5 of 5 In stock online 49 Kč Add to Cart Galangal has a light brown skin that is tough and requires peeling before use. The flesh of the galangal root is firm, juicy, and has a…